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Friday 4 February 2011

Welcome and why?

Hello my name is Mike Cooper. I am currently a part off the Super League side Warrington Wolves.

Having been a part of many long training sessions in and out of season, i would like to give my advice on all matters in training, nutrition and suppliments.

Rugby League is well know for being the world toughest team sport, with each individual player needing to be at there peak in physical and mental fittness. I have had many lectures with the country's most acclaimed Nutritional experts and would like to pass on the information and guidlines they have given me to anybody else who is intrested in keeping fit and healthy.

I have had many people ask me about training and nutrition, and i try my best to teach them the reasons for perfroming excersises and eating certain foods at certaing times.

Knowing what your eating and why and  knowing what your training and why is crucial to getting all over health.

Knowledge and Health go hand in hand.

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