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Wednesday 9 February 2011

How I got started and the Ups and Downs of being a Proffesional Rugby League player

By far for me the positives most deffantly out way the negatives, and the reason for that is, this is what I have always want to do, its that simple really.

Growing up Rugby league as im sure your aware is in my family's blood, its all we talked about especially on sundays at my Granparents and im sure many other Warrington famiily were talking about the Wolves or as the Wire back then aswell, so nothing out of the ordanairy.

I have always been into sport and as a kid at school I mainly played football untill around the age of 11 were I played in a mixed game of touch rugby were I got scouted, and it all went from there. Now obviously I had better advise on those sundays of Rugby league, with my uncle playing for warrington and my dad and grandad both playing rugby aswell, so I kinda had a head start.

From then on or me and my younger brother Jack it was Rugby league mad, we would spend hours and hours with my dad on the back field of where we would practise all sorts of drills that my dad made up. He even made a set of ladders out of wood and we would practise footwork drills up and down the garden, and that is with out a doubt the reason why me and my brother are both known for having  good late footwork into collision, and we did this because we both wanted too.

Once I was in high school It was all I was focused on, which affected how well I did at school really, and I do regret not putting as much work in, but to fair I was player rugby league for Latchford Albion, Warrington wolves and then also playing Basketball and Rugby Union at school, so as you can see sport was taking up alot of time and my mind.

I think I can safelly say that all i remember about school was that i was always tired, and that no doubt was becuase of the ammount of training Iwas doing all week.

I will move on to Leaving school at a later date and answer a few of your questions from twitter.

The posistives of being a Rugby League player as I said earlier on its because i always wanted to do it. Also everone says it in sport but its true, the fact that i go to training in the morning and spend the day with my mates exercising, and then we put that hardwork into practise at the end of the week in a hard tough enviroment is brilliant.

The negatives have to be injuries. There is nothing worse than watching everyone else train and you have to sit there and do rehab it can get you down. Also being soar after a game, I can imagine alot of the older player must feel terrible the next day after we have played, becuase I can in all honestly say that the next day it feels like you have been run over.

Recovery after a game is hard, and to answer a question on sleeping then yes most sportsman do have trouble sleeping after a game. An 8 pm kick off are the worst becuase you have alot of time before the game to think about it, and then you get yourself its such a physical and mental state during the game, its then becomes very hard to wind down after it.
With most contact sports, the people who take part can never fully release all of the addrenalin that there body creates day to day. Therefor leading to there bodies not being able to shut down 100% this is somehting that I would personally like to be researched more.

Thats all from me now, I hope you enjoy my blog, and please excuse spelling mistakes as I am a prop forward.

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